Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things to Think On


Watch this video from Penn of Penn & Teller.  It is pretty interesting his take on evangelism.  It won't take long.

I just got back from RUF a few minutes ago (RUF is a Christian campus ministry, subscribing to reformed theology, www.ruf.org), and I am blessed to have a fantastic campus minister.  This semester we are going through the life of Moses.  I have so much I can talk about on this topic, but I am going to limit it to this one point tonight: Christianity is revealed, not discovered.

God speaks.  He doesn't just let His people run around like crazy trying to figure things out.  He speaks Truth to His people.  He reveals Himself.  I can't "discover" God.  I was dead.  Not "mostly dead," not "not dead yet," or anything like that.  (Did you catch the Princess Bride and Monty Python and the Holy Grail references, respectfully?)  I was completely and utterly dead.  He came and saved me.  Now, I still do nothing on my own.  His strength is what gets me up in the morn...afternoon.  And it is He that reveals Himself, not I who discovers Him.

That idea just hit me tonight.  It really stuck out in the outline.  If you want to hear some really good preaching, I encourage you to look up the podcast of tonight's sermon.  Hop on iTunes and search for "RUF at Belmont."  Go do it.  I dare you.

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