Sunday, January 22, 2006

Child at Heart

Those who really know me will agree that I am a child. I don't think of it as completely bad, but rather a good thing. Most everyone wants not to grow up when they are a child. I was the same way (and I still am). Why is that? No responsibilities? Ignorance?

For guys, I must go back to Wild at Heart - we long for adventure, danger, and the unknown. Girls, I'm not so sure about, but maybe to be a princess, won over by a valiant hero, and to take part in the man's adventure. I have a desire for adventure of fantastic proportions. I'm not sure what kind of adventures I seek, but I know there are some out there for me.

Also, there is having faith like a child. Not needing long explinations or reason and logic. Believing simply for the sake of believing. In that faith is a trust that the One watching over us knows what He is doing. A child asks questions, for sure, but mostly out of curiosity and wonder, rather than hesitation, doubt, and anger.

I don't want to grow up. I want my Abba to take care of me for the rest of my days.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Someday I'll Find My Princess

I just started reading John Eldredge's "Wild at Heart" the other day. It may bring down my grades this semester, seeing as reading for class takes up most of my time. But so is my destiny.

Early in the book (I am only in the third chapter), Eldredge speaks about the want of every young man to find, and fight for, his princess. It lies deep within a man's heart to fight for his bride, to slay the dragon, and carry her home. He also says that women want a man to do this. I found it interesting because I am truly a child at heart - I love pirates and fairy tales and Christmas and knights in shining armour. The idea that I will get to take on the role of a knight fighting for the damsel in distress excites me more than most. Then He mentioned how God fights for His bride.

However, Eldredge did not mention this: that when Jesus was crucified, He fought THE dragon in hell and slayed him. What a knight. That is the greatest fairy tale ever written, only it's not a fairy tale. It's truth.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Just Thinking

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I've thought about if I will transfer to Belmont for my junior year on; I've thought about how neat it would be to fly with Peter Pan in Neverland; I've thought about how awesome our universe is.

I always have thought about the chance that I will only be at Baylor for my freshman and sophomore years, but I started thinking about it long and hard after having a reunion dinner with friends who graduated from the youth group at church with me and the year ahead of me. For some reason, when they all mentioned that it was different living away from home, "but not as far as Baylor", I started thinking about how much I miss Nashville, as a whole. Not just the people, but the atmosphere and the spirit that surrounds it. I wanted to get away so as to realize all I have, and I have discovered just that.

I picked up J. M. Barrie's book on adventures in the Neverland soon after I got back to campus and had finished A Christmas Carol. Both are so much better than the movies portray, as is the case with most movies based on books. Something inside me loves to revisit those childhood fantasies; I guess it's just the kid in me.

Finally, I am very pumped about my astronomy class that I am taking this semester. At the Passion Conference, we were shown pictures from the Hubble telescope of the wonderful colors and shapes of this known universe, and I sat in awe at what was before me. I was again in awe when I looked up in the sky last night, on a rare break from my studies, and saw the moon straight above me, and Saturn in the eastern sky. I look forward to what this astronomy class is going to reveal to me about my wonderful Creator and Savior, Yahweh.